If a hearth is the heart of a room then it goes without saying a fireplace outdoors is the warm center which keeps everybody together.
Outdoor Fireplaces
An outdoor fireplace can easily be confused for a fire pit. The main difference between the two is that an outdoor fireplace is usually built on a patio or porch wall. It is usually integrated to complement an outdoor kitchen or dining area. A small backyard fireplace can also be freestanding providing warmth to your outdoor lounge area complete with a chimney for its exhaust component.
Fire Pit
Meanwhile, a fire pit is the low cost, low profile, and space-saving sibling of the grand fireplace. Outdoor gas fire pits in particular have easily become a popular choice for homeowners who want a small patio fire pit to warm them on chilly evenings. Another great thing about fire pits is that you can buy prefabricated kits which run on gas or propane or choose a custom-built one to fit your patio area. Some fire pits can even double as a cooking area for your rotisserie or skewers.
Learn more about the difference between outdoor fireplaces and fire pits by giving Patio Creations a call today.