Pergolas are usually seen only as an architectural design structure in the garden. However, in this article we list ideas on where else you can put a pergola and achieve elegant effects for your outdoors.
A pergola does not only belong to a garden. They can also be used as an entrance arch over your doorway. By doing this, you easily improve your curb appeal.
Instead of the grand gazebo, you can save more yet still add real estate value to your outdoors by installing a pergola. Let your vines grow in abundance and you’ll have a more charming outdoor structure that easily reconciles with your outdoor look.
Whether as a standalone patio cover or connected to main house structure, a pergola can easily be installed to agree with the existing structure. Not only that, a pergola will cost less and complete faster than your usual patio cover. A pergola used as a patio cover also allows for a seamless transition from the indoors to the outdoors.
Use a pergola as a hammock support. This is especially effective if your garden only have tall shrubs rather than trees. Not only does a hammock imprint rest and relaxation, a pergola supporting it also erases the unsightly look of jarring poles that do not do anything to enhance the beauty of your outdoors.
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